L'integral - Frédéric FORTUNÉ

Auteur : ACFA GALLERY - Publié 12:25 04/12/2023

L'integral, a masterful creation by artist Frédéric Fortuné, embodies the essence of racing— a dynamic synthesis of danger and determination, speed, and skill.

Specifically commissioned to honor the revered NASCAR racer Michel Disdier, this helmet is a profound representation of what racing truly stands for: the audacious spirit of competition, the adrenaline rush of velocity, and the precarious balance between risk and protection.

Each individual copper slat, meticulously welded with countless precision points, forms the core of this work, symbolizing the unity and strength found within the racing community.

This structure, emblematic of the racer's resilience, is then immersed in the splendor of 24-karat gold, reflecting the pinnacle of achievement and the pursuit of glory that lies at the heart of every race. For the collector, this piece offers the chance to hold a fragment of racing's soul—immortalized in art.